2011 – half over!
Okay I now know how hard it is to keep up with a blog and this isn’t even a blog per se. So the year is half over and I have been working like crazy, meeting new people and working with new talent all over the country. Here are some highlights:
January – Went to New Orleans to work with Producer Suzonne Stirling, on a May floral porch story she did the crafts I art directed and did the floral arrangements in what I can only describe as freezing cold rain and the poor “party goers” where absolutely frozen but we made it work and it made the May 2011 cover.
March – Produced, art directed and had the assistance and talent of stylist David Anger a 50 Decorating Ideas under $50 for Better Homes and Gardens which just came out in July. It was a huge endevour but was rewarded with it being rated the highest scoring in the reader survey for that month. Whew!
May – Traveled to Columbus, OH which is a super fun and hip place to hang out. There I had the opportunity to work with Jeni of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream on a sophisticated ice cream social which came out in the August issue of Better Homes and Gardens. She also just came out with a book of the same name which landed on the New York Times Best Seller List. I was thrilled to work with Quentin Bacon, photographer and a new food stylist Mariana Velasquez. Again we were hoping for hot weather and then a freak cold front came through and we had to give little kids ice cream cones as it started to pour rain. Anything to get the shot. Then flew to New Orleans again but in the topsy-turvy world of editorial was shooting Halloween and this time NOLA was having a heat wave (of course) we had the last of the pumpkins flown in from Farmer John Mueller out in California and thank goodness because a funkin can’t compare to a real heirloom pumpkin for authentic Halloween.
June – Shot a week for Lowe’s publications and then jetted to West Hollywood to shot an interior decorator, Kate Schintzius‘ apartment for Do it Yourself magazine which will be out in 2012.
July – Spent a week in Chicago shooting for Better Homes and Gardens and worked with photographer, Jim Franco again and was also able to hang out with Joe Maer ,stylist, who has a fabulous apartment on the Lake, Steven McDonald photographer and Curtis Potter art director at CB2!
Which brings us up to speed. Leaving to attend the NYC Gift Show in August and of course shooting a Christmas story! I am hoping this years show is full of new and exciting launches and will be posting a trend report soon after.
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